The 21st century is marked by the invention of hundreds of means of communication. One of the most incomparable means remains social networks, (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, …) which has billions of users worldwide. These networks allow users to identify themselves through profile photos, hence the need to get the shot that will represent you on social networks. Read this article on how to get your profile pictures right.

Putting your best face forward

The quality of a photo does not necessarily depend on the quality of the camera used to take it. That’s why it’s important that the person who wants to take a profile picture has to have a certain presentation. The first thing to do is to get your face ready by making it clean. Then, put on a little make-up, make yourself look good by improving your hairstyle. Indeed, a profile picture is before the presentation of your face so that one identifies you easily that is why it is necessary to bet on the head. Finally, you must give yourself a clean appearance, a small smile, wear a nice outfit. In a word, be as simple as possible and original.

Body expression

Did you know that a simple photo can say a lot about you, your personality? Well yes, through your photo, the body language that you have left there, we can guess your personality. So, before the shot, squint your eyes. This expression of your body inspires confidence which will allow your friends to trust you because your face invites them to do so. You should also pay attention to your smile, which expresses self-confidence. It also spreads good humour to those who visit you. In short, let your body express itself by slightly squinting and smiling to sell your personality. This is very important.

Staring directly at the camera lens

When someone is talking to you, the right attitude to adopt is to look them in the eye, it gives them the confidence that they are being listened to. You should create this effect with your profile picture by looking straight into the lens. Be careful not to look at the photographer but at the lens. By doing so, you create a kind of connection with your visitors or friends on social networks just with your profile picture.